Experience the Galápagos Archipelago
No area on earth of comparable size has inspired more fundamental changes in humanity’s perspective of itself, and the environment,
than the Galápagos Islands
A world where conservation and
sciences are paramount
Timeless oceanic volcanoes vibrating with life,
the birthplace of evolutionary theory
The protection of this natural wonder is our highest priority
Our services
True local expertise with the highest attention to detail
Arrival and
Port Handling
We will personally welcome you to our islands and detail arrivals and departures, inspections and port authority paperwork handling.
Specialized tailor-made
custom-built voyages
National Park and Marine Reserve Visits, Expeditions and Exclusive Excursions. Provide us with your specifications, interests and expectations, we will assist you to tailor assemble a custom built voyage
We lawfully represent our clients to obtain permits from official governmental agencies, required for visiting foreign yachts and special projects.
Local Yacht Experience
The best options on a local yacht for you, your family, friends and guests.
Active Philantropy Adventure
Experience the thrill of discovery while supporting a cause by donating and providing funds for education, conservation and science projects.
Land Based
Spend a few days in each port and experience the towns’ lifestyles and unique characterics.
Witness the differences, enjoy the diversity.
about us
Our mission is to assemble amazing expeditions and life changing experiences.
We are Galápagos locals leading voyages and operating highly detailed custom made trips. We possess the various licenses and permits needed for organizing expeditions within the highly protected Galápagos National Park and Marine Reserve.
We assist and guide our clients to build their own Galápagos itinerary, to plan the expeditions their own way.
We are yacht agents, as well as very experienced naturalist guides and adventure operators. We are specialized environmental interpreters, mariners and sailors with private yacht experience who can also instruct scuba diving, apnea, kayaking, paddling or surfing.
The protection of this archipelago is our priority, working directly with the Galápagos National Park and Non Governmental Organizations, we seek to facilitate means for priority conservation projects with the objective of ensuring the continuation of the Galápagos model of protection. The Galápagos National Park has benefitted directly from the repatriation of hundreds of tortoises with the help of some of our clients’ helicopters; to facilitating donations for environmental protection, scientific and educational programs.
Permits, codes, marine diesel
Fresh foods, specialty and organic products, local producers
Assistance and coordination
Land Assistance
Concierge service
What do our clients say
The great joy you’ve brought us and our guests. I look forward to our paths crossing again, as, sometime, we bring another group through for your magic tour!
It was for me and my family a great privilege to have you with us
during our wonderful (trip) In Galapagos.
The Nikata family still rave about the epic Galapagos holiday.
Thanks again for a truly unforgettable trip!!!
Our experience on the Oceanic Volcanic Islands of Galapagos will not be forgotten in a hurry. Thank you Luis Rodriguez for guiding us through so thoroughly.
Thanks again for all your help while we were in the Galápagos, you made our stay most enjoyable for both the crew and our guests. Hope to see you all again soon in the future
contact us
Let us know how to get back to you
to protect the Galapagos Islands